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UK Coarse Fishing Season 2022

When it comes to fishing seasons in the UK, there are a few guidelines to follow. Where you may fish and when you can fish will vary depending on the season.

When Does Coarse Fishing Season End?

On rivers, the close season for coarse fishing is traditionally 15th March to 15th June inclusive. This is true for all rivers.

What Fishing Opportunities Are Still Available During the Close Season?

If you still want to fish during the off-season, you have a few possibilities.

Commercial fisheries will continue to operate.

The canals are open all year.

Still, other bodies of water, such as reservoirs, may be open to fishing all year, depending on the owner.

Why Do We Have a Closed Season for Coarse Fishing?

Close season lasts three months for a very important reason. Patrols will be conducted by the Environmental Agency to enforce the close season. There is also a 24-hour incident hotline.

The annual close season is implemented to safeguard fish stocks in England during their breeding season. This is accomplished by prohibiting coarse fish fishing in rivers, drains, specific canals, streams, and other designated areas, such as SSSI still waters.

Is a License Required to Coarse?

To fish in any public body of water, you'll need a licence. The Environment Agency is in charge of issuing licences for rod fishing.

For more information about licences, please click here to view our guide.