Name: Jof Rogers
Age: 55
Location: Oxford,Oxfordshire
Most Memorable moment in Fishing:
It would have to be on a trip sea fishing. I was on a charter boat out from the Solent, and we were steaming out to a mark and out of nowhere a Dutch submarine surfaced right in front of us. To say we panicked a little is an understatement, it was just like something out of a James Bond Movie.
Favourite style of fishing:
I love nothing more than fishing the pole up and down whilst feeding plenty of bait as I always find that I just can’t keep my hands out of the bait tub.
Best Achievement:
Making the Park dean final on two occasions is top of the list followed by a 3rd and 5th in White Acres festivals as well as various winter league wins.
Ambitions in Fishing:
At the grand old age of 55 I would just like to keep on fishing at the highest level I can and stay fit and healthy. I can then fish even more in my near retirement as that is my ultimate goal, just fish more!